
俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards Frequently Asked Questions

俄亥俄卓越奖是newbb电子平台承诺支持我们的学生从入学到毕业及以后的一部分, 永远. 的 program is composed of several supportive, renewable scholarships and grants that recognize the resilience, accomplishments and diverse contributions of the fall 2024 entering first-year class.


Who is eligible for consideration for 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards?

所有2024年秋季新到newbb电子平台newbb电子的一年级学生都有资格获得俄亥俄优秀奖奖学金和助学金. All incoming first-year students who apply by the early action deadline of November 15, 2023, and earn admission will be considered for the program automatically. Applicants who submit a complete application, including the application form and all required supporting materials, 11月15日以后, 2023, will be considered for all University scholarships, 只要条件允许.

How can I be considered for the 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards?

All incoming first-year students who apply by the early action deadline of November 15, 2023, and earn admission will be considered automatically for 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards. Applicants who submit a complete application, including the application form and all required supporting materials, 11月15日以后, 2023, are considered for all University scholarships, 只要条件允许. This scholarship program includes generous merit-based scholarships, 支持性的基于需求的助学金,以及newbb电子平台独有的一套综合了成绩和需求标准的奖项. To be considered for the need-based awards, 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)的结果必须在FAFSA的第一优先日期之前由newbb电子平台 收到, 延期到4月15日, 2024. 在FAFSA优先日期之后,学生可能会被考虑以滚动方式获得基于需求的援助. 不需要单独填写表格.

What is the 俄亥俄州入学承诺 and how do I qualify?

俄亥俄州入学承诺 2024年秋季入学计划确保在3月15日延长截止日期前申请的一年级申请人获得普通大学入学资格, 2024, 至少获得过3分.0 grade-point average on a strong college prep curriculum, and whose FAFSA results are received by 俄亥俄州 by the FAFSA first-priority date, 延期到4月15日, 2024. Once applicants have met those criteria, 2美元,000 renewable 俄亥俄州入学承诺 Award is awarded automatically. 俄亥俄州录取承诺奖的续签需要在每年的优先日期之前完成FAFSA.


所有被录取学生, 包括非必考申请人, will receive full consideration for scholarships and grants at 俄亥俄州. If available, test scores are considered for the Russ Vision Award. 为所有其他俄亥俄优秀奖, 标准化考试成绩(ACT或SAT)只有在增加学生的获奖资格时才会被考虑. 如果没有测试, 或者如果不包括记录在案的考试,学生的奖励资格会更强, 考试成绩将不被考虑.

How are the scholarships and grants awarded?

优秀奖学金是基于本科招生办在您提交2024-2025年入学申请和奖学金(以及支持材料)时收集的信息。.  俄亥俄州可以在个人基础上使用FAFSA第一优先日期之后收到的更新证书继续颁发奖学金. (即奖 are determined by the results of your FAFSA, which must be received by the first-priority date. 提供全面的经济援助, which 俄亥俄州 intends to begin sending on a rolling basis beginning in April, 将包括联邦政府, state and institutional aid in addition to merit-based scholarships.


最高累积高中平均成绩,加权或不加权,标准化为4.0级,将予以考虑. 俄亥俄州 will recalculate non-standard GPAs to a 4.根据需要进行0刻度.

How will I find out if I have received an 俄亥俄州 Excellence Award?

You will be notified by postal mail when you have been awarded an 俄亥俄州 Excellence Award. 择优奖学金的通知将于12月开始以滚动方式发送给被录取的学生. If, 根据你的FAFSA, you are eligible for any need-based awards, including those that blend merit and need, you will be notified in your comprehensive financial aid offer, which 俄亥俄州 intends to begin sending on a rolling basis in April. This aid offer 将包括联邦政府, state and other institutional financial aid.

如果我的奖学金通知显示我获得了俄亥俄州优秀奖, 我该如何接受?

获奖者必须在5月15日或之前提交住房合同(或通勤申请)和住房押金, 2024, (扩展!) to accept the award; that process begins in December at www.俄亥俄州.edu/admitted. 为在5月15日之后提交住房合同和押金的受助人提供的项目资金, 2024, 会视情况而定吗.

我的家人不打算提交FAFSA,因为我们不希望有资格获得联邦援助. 我还需要提交FAFSA吗?

是的! newbb电子平台 must receive your FAFSA results by the first-priority date, 延期到4月15日, 2024, if you would like to be considered for the 俄亥俄州入学承诺 Award. 在FAFSA优先日期之后收到FAFSA成绩的被录取学生将在可用性允许的情况下考虑获得基于需求的俄亥俄州优秀奖.


美国.S. 教育部计划在2023年12月启动2024-2025年联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 提交FAFSA fafsa.政府 using 2022 tax data and include newbb电子平台’s school code: 003100.

Which awards can I be considered for as an out-of-state student?

Out-of-state students are eligible to be considered for most 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards. 俄亥俄州受托人奖是一项特殊奖学金,仅适用于州外学生,并且是在您可能符合条件的其他俄亥俄州优秀奖之外颁发的. 国际学生有资格被考虑参加俄亥俄州优秀奖的择优部分, with the exception of the 俄亥俄州入学承诺 Award, which requires submission of a Free Application for Federal Student 援助.

我已经收到一封信,表明我获得了另一项奖学金. How do the 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards affect me?

通过newbb电子平台教育福利获得全额学费(教学费用)奖励的学生, 全额体育奖学金和卡特勒奖学金不符合俄亥俄州优秀奖的资格. 阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者只有资格被考虑为俄亥俄前进奖. 俄亥俄州首席奖学金或邓普顿学者奖的获得者有资格被考虑为俄亥俄州受托人奖. Recipients of the District of Columbia (D.C.)学费援助补助金或俄亥俄下一代奖没有资格获得俄亥俄受托人奖,除非参加DC-CAP学者计划. Additional restrictions may apply, and the program is subject to change. For renewal criteria, please refer to your scholarship award notification. 

Which awards are renewable, and what are the renewal criteria?

所有俄亥俄卓越奖可在连续四年的本科学习中续签(每学年两个学期)。. Most awards require students to enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester. 请注意,学生必须平均每学期完成15个小时才能在四个学年内毕业. Renewal criteria vary by individual award. 有关奖学金的具体细节,请参阅奖学金通知 。. 俄亥俄州录取承诺奖的续签需要每年在优先日期之前提交FAFSA,但不需要考虑最低或最高水平的需求. Merit-based awards have specific academic performance criteria for renewal, 比如你在俄亥俄的平均成绩. (即奖, including those that are blended with merit, 是否可延期取决于通过FAFSA的结果持续证明的经济需求. FAFSA results must be received annually by the priority date for priority consideration. Consequently, any need-based 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards may vary in amount each year.

Are other forms of financial assistance available?

是的! Several other generous scholarships are available for first-year students. 提供全面的经济援助, which 俄亥俄州 intends to begin sending on a rolling basis in April, will include any 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards in addition to any federal, state and other institutional aid for which you may qualify. 


Filing the FAFSA is simply your application for federal, state and institutional aid at newbb电子平台. While filing a FAFSA is required to be considered for 2美元,000俄亥俄州录取承诺奖, you don't have to have financial need to be eligible for that scholarship. 家庭没有义务接受可能提供的任何其他类型的经济援助, 包括贷款.

Are the 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards available at 俄亥俄州's regional campuses?

的 俄亥俄州 Excellence Awards are only offered on the 雅典 campus, but the 俄亥俄州 Regional Advantage Awards program 承认我们区域社区内的学术成就,并为2024年秋季入学的全日制新生提供奖励.