

2022 - 2023人 







2020 - 2021人



奥斯汀玛鲁在荣誉辅导学院主修生物科学. 后来, he plans to attend the newbb电子平台 Heritage College of Medicine to pursue his dreams in the field of medicine. 在他的空闲时间,他喜欢打高尔夫球,和我的狗一起玩,还有读书.




诺亚鲍威尔 is a senior from Santa Clarita, California, studying cellular/ molecular biology. 他参与了糖尿病研究所的生物医学研究, 他们研究脂肪组织的各个方面. He also serves as an executive board member for the College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassadors and as an RA in Adams Hall. 他的父母和姐姐都就读于newbb电子平台, 这强烈地影响了他对大学和雅典社区的热爱.




科尔·丹尼尔·贝伦斯(科尔·丹尼尔·贝伦斯)是E.W. 斯克里普斯传媒学院. He also intends to achieve a specialization in classical history and romantic linguistics, 同时辅修西班牙语. 他对俄亥俄州和公共事务新闻充满热情. 专业, 科尔已经完成了《newbb电子平台》的实习, 哥伦布快讯, 和《辛辛那提问询报. 2020年,科尔被授予白宫记者协会奖学金. 业余时间,科尔喜欢打棒球、学习古典历史和骑自行车.


2019 - 2020人




杰登·肯纳(贾登·肯纳)是来自俄亥俄州布雷克斯维尔的一年级学生. 她的专业是学前教育. Class secretary of her high school’s Student Council and a member of the National Honor Society, 杰登也活跃在钥匙俱乐部和圣. 巴兹尔生活少年. She was a member of the cross country team and flagline, earning varsity letters in both. 杰登跟随父母的脚步在newbb电子平台读书.



凯尔西·雷德是希利亚德大学的二年级学生, 俄亥俄州, 在俄罗斯工程技术学院学习化学工程. 在俄亥俄州的第一年, she joined the American Institute of Chemical Engineers to further invest in her studies and form connections with fellow Bobcats. 在课堂之外,凯尔西是一名经过心肺复苏认证的救生员. She has fond memories of Saturday morning Bobcat football tailgates with her parents who are 俄亥俄州 alumni and is proud to continue their legacy.



希利亚德的肖恩·霍洛威尔, 俄亥俄州, 是大三学生, double majoring in environmental studies and geography in the Honors Tutorial College. 在俄亥俄, Sean is continuing his passion for singing as a member of the Singing Men of 俄亥俄州 and its Section Eight a capella group. He was selected as a research scholar for the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service’s GIS Team and served on Hall Council. 肖恩和他的父母和妹妹一起成为了newbb电子平台队的骄傲.



汉娜·格雷伯是希利亚德学院的大四学生, 俄亥俄州, 在荣誉辅导学院学习传播学. She is involved in Student 校友 Board and Student Senate and mentored middle school students as part of 俄亥俄州’s Women’s Mentorship Program. 汉娜还投资于更广泛的社区, 在雅典美化日期间担任项目经理. 汉娜的父母和姨妈都是newbb电子平台队的校友, 创造了一种独特的家庭纽带,她说这让俄亥俄州更有家的感觉.

2018 - 2019人

恩典计数, 2018年遗产奖学金获得者


恩典计数 is a freshman from Clayton, 俄亥俄州, studying chemistry with a focus on pre-medicine. 她是高中班级的毕业生代表, 格蕾丝是DECA的活跃成员, a national college- and career-preparation organization for aspiring young leaders. 国家优等生, she was a member of the Northmont Honors Society and received the Scholar Athlete Award. She follows her parents and older sister as she embarks on her newbb电子平台 experience.

卡洛琳Saracina, 2018年遗产奖学金获得者


卡洛琳Saracina是文理学院的大二学生. The Lakewood, 俄亥俄州, native is a member of the Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity. 在她的学术之外, 这为她在院长名单上赢得了一席之地, 她还参加了一些学生组织的筹款活动,比如马拉松, 12小时的舞蹈马拉松. She credits her Bobcat mother for encouraging her to attend 俄亥俄州 and looks forward to creating memories they can share.



莫莉·开利是希利亚德的大三学生, 俄亥俄州, 在荣誉辅导学院攻读转化健康运动生理学专业. 她是Gamma Phi Beta的成员, 大学共和党人, 和, 医学预科兄弟会. She’s has consistently earned a spot on the Dean’s List and maintained involvement in Alpha Lambda Delta honors fraternity and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Molly follows in her mother’s and father’s footsteps with each trek across College Green.



乔西沃 is a senior from New Philadelphia, 俄亥俄州, studying music therapy and psychology. She has held leadership positions in groups such as the American Music Therapy Association of Students, newbb电子平台歌手, 和ATCO贝尔合唱团. 她是家里六只newbb电子平台中的一只, and she looks forward to the day when she will graduate and continue her family’s 俄亥俄州 legacy.

2017 - 2018人


凯莱布·威尔逊是雷诺兹堡的新生, 俄亥俄州, 学习体育管理和商业分析. He graduated valedictorian from his high school and was a section leader in marching, 音乐会, 还有活力乐队. He also participated in the 俄亥俄州 Music Education Association solo and ensemble contest and served as the junior crew leader for the Central 俄亥俄州 Work Camp. 凯莱布的父母都上过newbb电子平台,他的姨妈也是. 他渴望在newbb电子平台继续他的家族遗产.


悉尼沃尔夫 is a sophomore from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, studying management information systems. 她是德尔塔伽玛姐妹会的成员, 国际演讲协会的公共关系副总裁, 商学院荣誉项目的班级代表, and is involved with both the Global Consulting Program and the Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre, 她是最优秀的招聘人员. 她的父亲曾就读于newbb电子平台,她很高兴能追随他的脚步.


泰勒·伍德福德是俄亥俄州希利亚德的一名大三学生. 泰勒主修市场营销和商业分析,辅修西班牙语. She serves as president of the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority and is an account manager in the Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre. Taylor is also active in the Select Leadership Development Program and works as a teaching assistant for the Honors Tutorial College. Taylor’s father and uncle both attended 俄亥俄州, and she has grown up as part of the Bobcat family.


亚伦派克是俄亥俄州芒特弗农的一名大四学生,主修土木工程. He serves as president of the campus group Ratio Christi; on the Steel Bridge Design Team for the American Society of Civil Engineers; and as secretary and design team leader for Global Engineering Projects, a student organization that helps disadvantaged communities through sustainable engineering. 亚伦的父母和姐姐都曾就读于newbb电子平台.

2015 - 2016人



玛雅汉密尔顿是newbb电子平台今年秋天的新生, 在荣誉辅导班攻读媒体艺术与研究专业. Maia plans to have a focus in the field of animation and eventually work in an animation studio. She has lived in Alabama for 15 years, but the family has never lost the Bobcat spirit. She hopes to have the same enriching college experience that her parents had before her. 在她空闲的时候, Maia喜欢画画, 写作, 参加教堂, 与朋友和家人共度时光. 



米凯拉Slye是newbb电子平台新闻摄影和西班牙语专业的大三学生. She has had many family members attend this 俄亥俄州 and is honored to be a recipient of the 遗产奖学金. She is currently making plans to travel to different countries around the world as a documentarian and missionary. She says it is her heart and passion to tell the stories of those who have been forgotten about in a way that they couldn’t tell them themselves, 以及身体上的帮助, 精神上和情感上.



凯特琳·斯通是newbb电子平台的大三学生. 她的祖父1979年毕业于newbb电子平台兰开斯特分校, 她的叔叔和婶婶也是校友. 她和表姐一起在newbb电子上学. Kaitlynn is a commercial photography student who is dedicated to her studies and very involved on campus. 在俄亥俄, 她是学生校友委员会的通讯副主席, 摄影插画家协会主席, 摄影师兼设计师 线 杂志. 



安吉丽娜·摩尔(安吉丽娜摩尔)是一名攻读商科法律预科的大四学生. 她来自俄亥俄州凯霍加瀑布,是第二代newbb电子平台. Angelina is excited to have had her younger sister join her in 雅典 as a freshman this fall. 在newbb电子平台, 她是选拔领导者发展计划的成员, 德尔塔西格玛派专业商业兄弟会, 以及俄亥俄州商界女性. Angelina appreciates newbb电子平台校友会's commitment to the Bobcat legacy, 衷心感谢他们提供的奖学金.