

Center for Advanced Systems 和 Transportation Logistics 工程

菲利普Aros-Vera’s research spans the fields of Humanitarian Logistics, 运筹学, 交通和城市物流. He uses mathematical optimization 和 operations research tools to model complex systems such as disaster supply chains, 和, 最近, 人口贩运网络. His work has been published in prestigious journals, including the European Journal of Operational 研究 (EJOR), 营运管理杂志(JOM), 运输研究E和B部分. He is also the program director 和 adviser of the Russ College’s student organization Global 工程 Projects (GEP), which has a long-st和ing collaboration with the Village of Offinso-Maase in Ghana. The GEP has implemented a variety of engineering projects, including developing a solar pump for the village water supply, performing an analysis of the village’s electrical distributions system, 和 designing 和 constructing a playground 和 model teacher accommodations.

In 2019, Aros-Vera became the first co-chair of the ABR20(1) Subcommittee on Humanitarian Relief at the Transportation 研究 Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences. He is also an active member of the College of Humanitarian Operations 和 Crisis Management at the Production 和 Operations Management Society (POMS), 和 a member of the Section on Location Analysis from INFORMS. 他拥有博士学位。.D. in transportation engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 和 a M.S. 和B.S. in engineering sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


  • Chertok,我.Melnikov, S.,切尔托克,我. (2021). Emergency 和 disaster response strategies to support mother-infant dyads during COVID-19. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Aros-Vera, M.,吉莉安,S.Rehmar, A.L . Rehmar. (2021). Increasing the resilience of critical infrastructure networks through the strategic location of microgrids: A case study of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. 102055. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; 55: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212420921000212.
  • Aros-Vera, M.萨德吉,A.尤尼斯·西纳基,R.Sormaz, D. (2020). A simulation-based framework for checkpoint design in large-scale crowd management: Case study of the papal mass in Philadelphia. 104701. 安全 Science; 127: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925753520300989.
  • 贾马尔·卡特尔,P.罗斯-维拉,M. (2020). Critical infrastructure location under supporting station dependencies considerations.. 100726. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences; 70: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0038012119300953?via%3Dihub.
  • Loree N.罗斯-维拉,M. (2018). Points of distribution location 和 inventory management model for Post-Disaster Humanitarian Logistics. Transportation 研究 Part E; 116: 1-24. http://doi.org/10.1287/inte.2017.0929.
  • Holguin-Veras J.霍奇,S.沃托维奇,J.辛格,C.,王,C.贾勒,M.罗斯-维拉,M.奥兹贝,K.米克斯,A.M.Ukegbu, C.Ban, J.布朗,M.坎贝尔,南卡罗来纳州., Sanchez-Díaz,我., González-Calderón, C.科恩豪泽,A.西蒙,M.麦克谢利,S.拉赫曼,A., Encarnación, T.,杨,X., Ramírez-Ríos, D.卡拉哈什提,L.阿玛亚,J.塞拉斯先生.艾伦,B.克鲁兹,B. (2018). The New York City 非工作时间交货计划: A Business 和 Community-Friendly Sustainability Program. 1. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics; 48: 70-86.
  • Holguin-Veras J.阿玛亚-利尔,J.维吉尼亚州坎蒂略市.Van Wassenhove, L.罗斯-维拉,F.贾勒,M. (2016). Econometric estimation of deprivation cost functions: A contingent valuation experiment. 1. Journal of Operations Management; 45: 44-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jom.2016.05.008.
  • Holguin-Veras J.罗斯-维拉,F.布朗,M. (2015). Agent Interactions 和 the Response of Supply Chains to Pricing 和 Incentives. 3. Economics of Transportation; 4: 147-155. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212012215000192.
  • Holguin-Veras J.罗斯-维拉,F. (2015). Self-Supported Freight Dem和 Management: Pricing 和 Incentives. 2. EURO Journal on Transportation 和 Logistics; 4: 237-260. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13676-013-0041-1.
  • Holguin-Veras J.罗斯-维拉,F. (2014). Geographically Focused Incentives to Foster Off-Hour Deliveries: Theory 和 Performance. Transportation 研究 Record: Journal of the Transportation 研究 Board; 2411: 27-33. http://trrjournalonline.交通Research.org/doi/abs/10.3141/2411-04.
  • Holguin-Veras J.谷口,E.贾勒,M.罗斯-维拉,F.费雷拉,F.汤普森,R。. (2014). The Tohoku Disasters: Chief Lessons Concerning the Post Disaster Humanitarian Logistics Response 和 Policy Implications. Journal of Transportation 研究 Part A: Policy 和 Practice; 69: 86-104. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965856414001839.
  • Holguin-Veras J.佩雷兹,纽约州.贾勒,M.van Wassenhove, L.罗斯-维拉,F. (2013). On the Appropriate Objective Function of Post-Disaster Humanitarian Logistics. Journal of Operations Management; 31(5): 262-280. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272696313000417.
  • Aros-Vera F.马里亚诺夫,V.米切尔,J. (2013). P-hub Approach for the Optimal Park-和-Ride Facility Location Problem. European Journal of Operational 研究; 226(2): 277-285. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221712008223.
  • Holguin-Veras J.赖利,J.罗斯-维拉,F.W . Yushimito.伊萨,J. (2012). Park-和-Ride facilities in New York City: Economic Analyses of Alternative 位置. Transportation 研究 Record: Journal of the Transportation 研究 Board; 2276: 123-130. http://trrjournalonline.交通Research.org/doi/10.3141/2276-15.
  • Holguin-Veras J.W . Yushimito.罗斯-维拉,F.赖利,J. (2012). User Rationality 和 Optimal Park-和-Ride Location Under Potential Dem和 Maximization. Transportation 研究 Part B: Methodological; 46(8): 949-970. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191261512000367.



  • Holguin-Veras J.坎贝尔,南卡罗来纳州.冈萨雷斯-卡尔德隆,C.拉米雷斯-里奥斯,D.卡拉哈斯蒂,L.罗斯-维拉,F.布朗,M.桑切斯-迪亚兹,我. (2017). Importance 和 potential applications of freight 和 service activity models. 城市物流.
  • 阿克塞尔,C.范·阿特,J.罗斯-维拉,F.霍金-维拉斯,J. (2016). Remote sensing-based detection 和 quantification of roadway debris following natural disasters. International Society for Optics 和 Photonics.; 98320C-98320C.