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劳拉·米. 哈里森, Ph.D.

  • Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs
  • Incoming Department Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education

Areas of Expertise

Expert Bio

Dr. 劳拉·米. 哈里森 presents and writes in multiple disciplines; the common thread in her work is the examination of teaching and learning with an eye toward rehumanizing higher education. She has two forthcoming books dedicated to these topics: 哈里森, L.M., Challenger, R., Morgenstern, E., & Balarabe, O.A. (in press). Helping college students write: A guide for educators. Routledge and 哈里森, L.M., Mather, P. & 呸,年代. (in press, edited volume). Rehumanizing higher education. New Directions in Teaching and Learning. Both of these works were written with in collaboration with fellow faculty and students.

哈里森 has also authored four previous books and 25 scholarly articles and book chapters. Recent works include: Unangst, L., 哈里森, L.M.,呸,S., Balarbe, O.A., & Dunson-Dillard, T. (2023). “Is anybody doing anything?” Policy actors discuss supports for displaced learners at Ohio colleges and universities. Journal of Thought 56, 33-53; 哈里森, L.M. & Mathuews, K.B. (2022). How students experience faculty responses to academic struggle. Journal of College Student Development 63(4), 399-413哈里森, L.M., Morgenstern, E., & 安吉洛,M. (2022). Eliminating the front row: How teaching in the chat fosters student engagement. College Teaching,1-8; 哈里森, L.M. & Mathuews, K.B. (2022). Three priorities for the future of online education. Journal of Thought, 3-16.

哈里森 teaches courses in scholarly writing, college teaching, helping skills, diversity in higher education, and leadership and change. 哈里森 is also a frequent presenter at state, national, and international conferences. She is also one of the incoming co-editors of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)’s The Journal of College and Character. 

Expertise at a Glance

哈里森 is an expert in higher education, postsecondary teaching and learning and writing pedagogy. The common thread in her work is the examination of teaching and learning with an eye toward rehumanizing higher education.

Media Placements

Inside Higher Ed
The Columbus Dispatch