Continuous Enrollment Policy

Bike Path in spring

连续入学(CE)政策于2022年秋季生效. 这项政策影响到以研究/创造性活动为基础的终端研究生学位(Ph.D., Ed.D., and M.F.A. only). 其他硕士项目或专业博士项目的学生不受此政策影响.

Under the CE policy, students in Ph.D., Ed.D., and M.F.A. programs must enroll for a minimum of 0.除非正式休假,否则每学年两个学期5个学分,以获得学位.

How does the policy work?

任何没有正式宣布休假的学生,以及超过一个学期未注册的学生,将在他们的课程中变得不活跃. 这样的学生必须申请重新注册,如果他们希望继续在该计划. 回到活跃状态需要得到项目和研究生院的批准.

任何重新注册的学生将在2010年的第一个学期注册.每学期5个学分,最多不超过两个学期.e., up to 1.0 credit hour). In addition to the missed enrollment credit hours, a returning student will need to enroll for at least 0.5 credit hours for the current semester. 学生负责支付这些课时的学杂费, along with any penalties or late fees. (Re-enrollment is not the same as reapplication; students re-enrolling within the time limits for their degree may ordinarily just pick back up where they left off.)

Leave of Absence

在攻读学位课程期间,最多可以休一次正式假, extending up to one calendar year. 据了解,休假的学生没有学习学位或使用任何大学资源, including IRB or research support, library materials, or substantial faculty time. Leave of absence does not extend the time to degree.



  • 问:为什么newbb电子平台实行连续招生政策?
    A: 要求博士研究生连续入学是一种公认的最佳做法, 在俄亥俄州内外的大多数同类机构中都有. The policy allows better communication with students; helps prevent students from unintentionally drifting away from their projects; assures that students will have access to university resources when they are working on their degrees; and allows the university to understand how many students we really have and how long the degree programs really are. This policy also includes M.F.A. students. M.F.A.s are terminal degrees, designed as full-time programs, 并且要求学生进行广泛的独立作业,这些作业可能会延伸到课程之外.
  • 问:为什么这项政策不适用于专业博士或其他硕士项目?
    A: 专业博士学位是高度结构化的,学生不跟随他们的同伴或在没有入学的情况下攻读学位是很少见的. 我们的许多硕士学位课程都是面向在职专业人士的兼职招生, 而且大多数硕士课程都没有学生选择不参加的长期研究项目.
  • 问:我是一名国际学生,我的注册必须被视为全日制签证. 我还需要注册完整的论文或研究学分吗?
    A: Check with your program to see if it will make a 0.5-hour course available to you for CE. 如果他们选择将论文、论文或其他研究/项目的时间减少到0小时.5个最低学分,我们将在0时将这些课程指定为全日制签证课程.5 hours. 为了公平起见,也鼓励程序将此设置为0.5小时注册的论文或扩展项目,不需要CE (e).g., M.A./M.S. programs).
  • Q: What counts as an academic year?
    A: 学年从秋季学期开始,一直持续到下一个夏天. In practical terms, 学生不得连续两学期(包括夏季)逃课,同时保持CE.
  • 问:我将在2021-22学年(2021年秋季- 2022年夏季)有两个学期不入学。. Will I need to pay for any missed semesters this year?
    A: No. The policy will go into effect in Fall 2022, so that is the first semester that counts for CE requirements.
  • Q: How do you declare an official leave of absence?
    A: To declare a leave of absence, complete the Leave of Absence Declaration formBefore submitting this form to the Graduate College, 请与你的项目主管和指导老师沟通,以确保你和他们都完全理解请假政策.
  • 问:你们的学术项目能拒绝请假吗?
    A: 如果有项目层面的政策允许,项目可以拒绝请假请求. However, 学校将不会对宣布休学并在休学结束后下学期重新入学的学生进行经济处罚.
  • Q: The leave of absence policy only permits one year’s leave. What if I need more? 
    A: 如果你在学位上的工作能力超过一年, 退出这个项目,当你准备好重新开始你的研究时,重新申请是对你最有利的.
  • 问:我已经用完了我的学费奖学金资格,但我仍然在领取研究生助学金. 我还是需要注册全学分,还是可以注册零学分.5 hours?
    A: For AY22-23, you still need to register for a full credit hour. 为了改变这一最低限度,需要解决影响多个大学办公室的政策和技术变化.

Please note, 如果学生重新申请该项目,项目有权决定是否接受所有超过五年的课程. 在退出你的项目之前,你应该和你的项目主任和指导老师谈谈.

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