
Publishers' Bindings

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关于 the Collection

The Publishers’ Bindings digital collection draws on the Rare Book Collection of the Mahn Center for 档案 和 Special 集合, including many books from the Juvenile Literature Collection. The focus is on digitizing certain decorative 和 unique-to-our-copy elements of select books, rather than providing digital access to the entire text. 在很多情况下, only select views 和 pages have been digitized while, 当可用的, an external link to the full-text version is provided in the object description.

The collection highlights a range of publishers’ bindings as well as endpapers, 使用, 签名, 笔记, 和 other details that provide evidence of a book's manufacture, 所有权, 和 use over time.

A publishers’ binding typically refers to a 19th century book binding, usually made of colored 和 sometimes textured cloth, that was designed 和 produced for use by a particular publisher. Publishers’ bindings emerged as print became increasingly mechanized 和 as dem和 for books increased. These developments led producers of books to seek out a simpler 和 more affordable binding material than the historically common leather, 羊皮纸, 或牛皮纸, but one with great visual 和 tactile appeal. Thus the introduction 和 popularization of cloth as an ideal binding material, 和 of case binding as a faster 和 easier binding process.

Publishers’ bindings also became an important marketing tool, allowing publishers to create a visual br和 through st和ard binding logos, 颜色, 多彩的, eye-catching designs that helped make their books both recognizable 和 desirable to readers 和 potential buyers.

Related 集合

See additional items from the Mahn Center’s Special 集合 online, including Special 集合-GeneralManuscript 和 Printed Leaves.

Future Additions

As this digital collection grows the focus will be on featuring publishers’ bindings from African Americana; books authored, 说明, 发表, or designed by women; 和 books with Ohio authors 和 imprints.


Special 集合 original materials can be viewed at the Mahn Center for 档案 和 Special 集合,在… 5th Floor of 奥尔登图书馆. 看到 罕见的书 overview for more information.


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Collection 联系

米利暗Intrator, Special 集合 Librarian for 罕见的书, Mahn Center for 档案 和 Special 集合, newbb电子平台 库.

Rights Statement

These materials are in the 公共领域 in the United States; they are not subject to any copyright protections.

No Copyright in the United States