



November 2, 2009

Initiated by:


Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit |执行副总裁兼教务长

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

  1. Overview


    1. To protect people and the environment from the negative impacts of hazardous materials by identifying appropriate procedures for handling, storing, 危险物品的处置;

    2. 确保newbb电子平台遵守所有联邦, state, 以及当地关于有害物质的法规, hazardous waste, biohazards materials, and spill response;

    3. 划分责任范围.

    Ohio university will obtain, handle, store, and dispose of hazardous materials in a manner that protects people and the environment and complies with applicable regulations. Owners and users of hazardous materials will handle those materials in a manner consistent with this requirement and following all procedures referenced in this document.

  2. Definitions

    Hazardous waste is generally a non-radioactive chemical substance that is no longer wanted. 参见下面的讨论和, 查看详细的监管定义, 《newbb电子》."

    1. Hazardous materials

      Hazardous materials are any chemical or material that poses a significant risk to the health and safety of people, the environment, or facilities. 这包括获得许可的放射性物质, biohazard agents, hazardous chemicals and any material regulated as hazardous under CERCLA 42 USC 9601 (14) or USDOT 49 CFR 172.101.

      危害可能来自于一种或多种接触途径, including skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion, 或者在放射性物质的情况下,甚至是在接近的时间, 没有直接的身体接触. 除了飞溅和流动, 液体也可能以蒸气或气溶胶的形式在空气中分散, 灰尘或粉末也可能通过空气扩散.

    2. Hazardous chemicals

      Hazardous chemicals are chemicals for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed people.

    3. Hazardous materials waste

      Hazardous materials waste meets any one or more of the following criteria:

      1. 美国联邦法规40 CFR 261中定义的废物或废物组合.3;

      2. 这些物质在49 CFR 171中被定义为危险废物.8; or

      3. 第3734章或第3745章界定为危险废物的物质. 《newbb电子平台》,或第3745章. of the Administrative Code.

    4. Radioactive waste

      Radioactive waste is any substance that is no longer wanted and is known to be radioactive (producing ionizing radiation) greater than background level.

    5. Biohazardous waste

      Biohazardous waste is any substance that is no longer wanted and contains or could potentially contain biohazards agents. 浏览详细的规管定义, see the "Biosafety Manual," and state regulations, or contact EHS.

    6. PCB waste

      PCB waste is any substance that is no longer wanted and includes biphenyl molecules that have been chlorinated to varying degrees. For a detailed regulatory definition, 见《newbb电子》."

    7. Asbestos waste

      Asbestos waste is asbestos material that has been removed or collected and labeled as a waste. For a detailed regulatory definition, see the "Asbestos Management Program."

    8. Other terminology

      Multi-hazardous waste is waste that contains two or more of the following wastes: biological, radioactive, or hazardous waste.


      Specially regulated waste is any waste that becomes a public concern and is regulated specifically. 前面的七个浪费就是这种浪费的例子.

  3. 识别有害物质

    There are three primary tools used to determine if a material is hazardous and how it will be handled:

    1. 具体的书面文件, 例如“材料安全数据表”(MSDS), the container label, or shipping papers. (A MSDS is a regulatory document that is required to be provided by the manufacturer to the user; the sheet contains pertinent safety information.)

    2. The specific listings and definitions of materials included in various regulations. 这些列表和定义包含在美国.S. Code of Federal Regulations, the Revised Code, and the Administrative Code, 所有这些都可以在奥尔登图书馆和互联网上找到.

    3. 个人知识(个人可能创造了材料), 或者了解材料属性的具体信息).

    如果无法确定有害物质的状态, call environmental health and safety ("EHS") and request a review by the hazardous materials manager. Unknown materials will be treated as hazardous materials until they are determined to be non-hazardous.

  4. Acquiring hazardous materials

    危险材料的获取必须按照政策的规定 55.031.

  5. Using hazardous materials

    有害物质使用者被引导到EHS有害物质管理手册以获取具体的政策、程序和实践. The manual includes information and management tools required to use hazardous materials safely and to comply with laws and regulations.


    1. Referring to the "newbb电子平台生物安全手册";

    2. Referring to the EHS "Radiation Safety Handbook";

    3. Using the 环境健康和安全(EHS)网站; or

    4. 联系EHS办公室,电话:740-593-1666.

  6. 有害物质的处置

    Generators of the types of waste listed here shall contact EHS for guidance, prior to generation of waste. Generators of waste will handle the waste in such a way to protect the safety and health of people and the environment, 遵守大学的所有程序(列在本政策中), 并遵守适用的法规.

    1. Hazardous waste


      1. 化学废物EHS网站

      2. 《newbb电子》

      3. Chemical waste form

    2. Radioactive waste


      1. EHS网站的放射性废物

      2. "Radiation Safety Handbook"

      3. 《newbb电子》

      4. Radioactive waste form

    3. Multi-hazardous waste


    4. Mixed waste


    5. Biohazardous waste


      1. EHS infectious waste website

      2. "Biosafety Manual"

    6. PCB waste

      按照先前概述的化学废物处理程序进行. 联系EHS有害物质协调员了解更多细节.

    7. Asbestos waste


    8. Specially regulated waste

      处置受特别管制的废物, 发电机应咨询EHS有害物质协调员.

  7. 生物危害和传染因子

    newbb电子平台应遵循获得程序, approval, registration, handling, storage, 以及政策中所描述的生物危害或传染因子的处置 44.107 and the "Biosafety Manual."

  8. 危险物质泄漏应对

    All faculty, staff, students, and visitors should be aware of and follow the procedures contained within 《newbb电子》."

    所有处理, store, or use liquid hazardous materials shall have available enough absorbent to mitigate a spill equal to the largest size container of liquid at that location.

    所有处理, store, or use liquid hazardous materials shall post the following emergency information in an area available to each person using the laboratory, printed in a font size large enough to be read by a person with normal vision from a distance of at least ten feet, and prepared so as to facilitate rapid updating whenever the facts change:




    Room Number:


    Ohio University Police:




    Athens City Police:


    Athens City Fire Department:


    Fire Extinguisher Location:


    Absorbent Materials and 


    Fire Pull Station Location:






    对于区域校园内的危险物质, the local law enforcement and fire department should be identified and the appropriate phone numbers should be provided, 而不是雅典城.

    The person responsible for the location shall consult with EHS and with facility planning and space management when preparing the sign; see also policy 42.100.

    EHS shall be provided with a copy of the text of each such sign immediately after it is first posted and immediately after any change to any of the posted information. This will facilitate EHS' maintenance of a complete and accurate inventory of locations and hazards, 既可以自己使用,也可以帮助当地的急救人员.

    了解更多信息和具体程序, 见《newbb电子》," the "Biosafety Manual,或“辐射安全手册”."



  1. Vice President for Research

  2. 负责设施管理和安全的副总裁

  3. newbb电子平台警察局局长

  4. 研究及合规总监

  5. Faculty Senate

  6. Administrative Senate