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From: OHIO Registrar <>
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023
To: Enrolled Students

Dear Bobcat:

2023-24年秋季学期的毕业申请可在 MyOHIO Student Center.  Graduation is not automatic.  If you are planning to graduate at the end of fall semester, you must apply for graduation.

申请秋季毕业的截止日期是 Monday, October 2, 2023, for all degrees.  You will receive an email with a confirmation number once your graduation application is complete.  如果您没有确认号码,您的申请将被取消 not complete; please log back in to complete your application or contact the University Registrar’s office for assistance ( or 740-593-4196). 

Students who want to graduate fall semester but fail to apply for graduation by October 2, 2023, 是否需要在截止日期前请求例外, and if approved, must pay a $100.他们的毕业申请可以在秋季学期处理. 另一种选择是申请下一学期毕业.

秋季学位授予日期为2023年12月16日. Degree-bearing transcripts will be available approximately four weeks after this date. 更多关于毕业过程的信息可以在这里找到 online.

To Apply:

  • Sign in to MyOHIO Student Center
  • Click on "other academic..."
  • Choose "Apply for Graduation OHIO.”
  • 你将被带到毕业申请处.
  • 回答问题并完成newbb电子程序中的字段. 单击“保存并继续”以继续newbb电子程序. Your application is not complete until you have clicked “Complete Application” on the page that summarizes all of your application details. This will finalize your application and you will not be able to make any changes after this step. 一旦你完成申请,任何更改必须通过发送电子邮件到 or by calling 740.593.4196.
  • Within the application you may optionally “Save” your application prior to completing it. For example, if you don’t have time to complete it at once or need to gather information prior to finalizing you can logout after you have clicked one of the “Save and continue” buttons. Your application will be saved, and you will be able to log on before the deadline to complete the other items and finalize your application by clicking “Complete Application."如果你已经开始但尚未完成申请程序, you will receive an email a few days before the application deadline reminding you to finalize your application. 如果您没有通过点击“完成申请”来完成申请,” you will not be considered for graduation and your name will not appear in the commencement program. 将收取毕业申请费, for each degree, 在你完成申请后转到你的学生账户.  申请费用可以在毕业申请中找到 webpage.  This applies to any graduate student, medical student, or undergraduate non-OHIO guarantee student. 
  • You will receive an email with a confirmation number for your application for graduation. If you do not have a confirmation number then your graduation application has not been submitted and you should contact us for assistance at or 740.593.4196.

For detailed instructions see below.



Debra M. Benton
University Registrar
Ohio University


Detailed Instructions:

Detailed Instructions: 
1.    申请方式:登录MyOHIO学生中心
a.    Click on "other academic..." 
b.    Choose "Apply for Graduation OHIO.”

2.    你将被带到毕业申请处.

3.    All of your active majors, minors, and certificates will be displayed and will default to “Apply.你必须“申请”至少一个专业. Note:  If you are pursuing a major, minor, or certificate that is not listed, exit the application and contact your college student services office to add it to your record before completing the application.

a.    如果你计划完成任何一个专业, minor(s), 和/或稍后日期的证书, select “Will complete later” from the drop down box to the right of the major(s)/minor(s)/certificate(s). 

b.    如果你不打算完成一个或多个专业, minor(s), and/or certificate(s), then please select “Will never complete” from the drop down box to the right of the major(s)/minor(s)/certificate(s).

c.    Baccalaureate degree-seeking students that are enrolled in the OHIO Honors program will also see “Nondegree Other” for the OHIO Honors program.  It will be set to “Apply.”  This should not be  changed unless you are pursuing more than one degree and not completing both degrees at the same time.  If you are completing a second degree later then you may select “Will Complete Later” for OHIO Honors and the degree you are completing later.  If you will not complete the OHIO Honors program ever, then select “Will Never Complete.” Departmental Honors drop down box to the right of the Graduation Options drop down box. 如果你正在完成系里的荣誉论文, 从下拉框中选择一个部门名称. Note: This does not include students who anticipate graduating with Latin honors or any other type of honor.
d.    Baccalaureate degree-seeking students that are enrolled in the OHIO Honors program will also see “ Nondegree Other” for the OHIO Honors Program. It will be set to “Apply”. This should not be changed unless you are pursuing more than one degree and not completing both degrees at the same time. If you are completing a second degree later then you may select “Will Complete Later” for OHIO Honors and the degree you are completing later. If you will not complete the Ohio Honors program ever, then select “Will Never Complete.”
e.    你可能会被问到:“你会在下学期注册吗??请在下拉框中选择“是”或“否”. The default is “No,” so if you will be enrolling in a future term you will need to select “Yes.” 

f.    请点击“保存并继续”以进入下一个问题.

4.    核实你的名字应该如何印在你的文凭上.   

a.    学生可以选择使用自己的合法姓名, 他们法定名称的缩写, 或者他们可以在申请毕业时提供一个首选(选择)的名字.  The university reserves the right to remove a diploma name if it is used inappropriately or for misrepresentation. Ohio University recommends graduates who plan to live or work outside of the United States to use their legal name on their diploma.  There could be complications if a student’s diploma is not consistent with other legal documents such as a transcript, passport, or birth certificate.   请访问常见问题查询更多信息. Click "Save and Continue."

5.    Update the address to which your diploma should be mailed, if it is not already accurate. 注意:文凭将在学期结束后大约6 - 8周寄出.  邮件寄出后,您将收到一封电子邮件. 

a.    系统可能会提示您验证输入的地址, 如果它不符合美国邮政的规定.

b.    按提示单击“接受并继续”或“保存并继续”.

6.    Enter any pending transfer courses, if you are transferring coursework from another college or university to complete your degree requirements. 

a.    Please include courses only if you have not previously been granted Ohio University credit. 输入机构名称、课程名称和要转换的学分. 请不要包括在newbb电子平台修过的任何课程.

b.    Click "Save and Continue." 

7.    接下来出现了几个关于毕业典礼的问题:

a.    你打算参加秋天在newbb电子举行的毕业典礼吗?  请在下拉框中选择“是”或“否”. 

b.    Are you planning to attend a recognition ceremony on one of the regional campuses in the Fall?  请在下拉框中选择“是”或“否”. Note: If you select “Yes,,您将需要从下拉框中选择一个区域校园.

c.    Click "Save and continue."

8.    如果你申请的是学士学位, 您将有机会完成一项可选调查.  如果您希望完成调查,请做出选择,向下滚动并单击“下一步”.”

9.    点击“继续”查看并完成你的毕业申请.

10.    回顾总结页面上列出的回答. If you have no changes, please finalize your application by clicking “Complete Application” at the bottom of the page. 这将完成您的newbb电子程序,一旦单击,您必须联系 or call 740.593.4196 to request any changes. 毕业申请一经提交,不得撤销或撤销.

a.    At the bottom of the screen, any charges your account will be assessed are displayed. 费用将在您完成申请后24小时内支付.

b.    Displayed at the top of this page is the message “Your application for Summer Semester 2021-22 is complete!” along with a confirmation number. 您可以打印此页以备将来参考.

c.    您将收到一封确认电子邮件到您的俄亥俄电子邮件帐户, which will include the confirmation number that is displayed on your completed application.

d.    You may also log into the Application for Graduation to view your completed application.