illustration of a bobcat and grey topography lines on an off-white background
High School Student media competition


Entry Deadline:  Sunday, March 31, 2024
Awards Ceremony:  Friday, April 19, 2024

The 电子媒体 Department of 南newbb电子平台 presents:

The annual Student EMPixx奖 to recognize high school level media production excellence.

We invite Tri-State area students (Service areas of 南newbb电子平台 in Ohio (Lawrence, 派克, 赛欧托, and Gallia); West Virginia (Cabell); and Kentucky (Boyd, 卡特, Greenup and Lawrence)) in grades 9 through 12 that have any kind of media production class to participate in this annual competition.

The intent of the Student EMPixx奖 is to recognize excellence in the creation of video, 音频和多媒体项目. There is no charge for submission of materials, and no limit on the number of submissions from each school.



Awards will be given by 南newbb电子平台’s 电子媒体 Department to 1st 和2nd place winners in recognition of high school level excellence in audio, video and multimedia production in the following categories:­


停止动作动画,或CGI. 时限:3分钟


Must have a produced open and close with theme music. 时间限制:5分钟


提交 three photos – MUST be based on the student's choice of a connecting theme and include one each of a person, 一个地方, 还有一件事. 必须是原创照片. 提交 photographs in electronic format. Please do not submit printed photos


Comedy, horror, drama, or music videos. 时间限制:10分钟以内. MUST contain the following: Prop – Apple; Dialogue – "It usually doesn't do that"; Character – A tour guide.


Full, unedited newscast from beginning to end


Single news or sports feature story. 时间限制:3分钟


主题:回收. 时间限制:30、45或60秒


主题:回收. 时间限制:30、45或60秒

Please read the guidelines for each category carefully, as entries will be disqualified if guidelines aren't met.



The EMPixx奖 are open to all high school students in 俄亥俄州 南部's service area in Ohio (Lawrence, 赛欧托, 派克 and Gallia); West Virginia (Cabell); and Kentucky (Boyd, 卡特, Greenup and Lawrence) in grades 9 through 12 that have any kind of media production class.

What types of productions may be submitted?

The entry must be a not-for-profit, original student production. If undue professional influence is evident or if the individual is found to have professional standing, 参赛作品将被取消资格.

In what format should I upload my entry?

All entries must be submitted and uploaded in the following file formats: mp4 for video, mp3 for audio and jpeg for digital photography. Image and sound quality of the entries are factors in judging. Be sure to label the submitted file the same as the entry title on the entry form.


The entry MUST NOT consist of more than 15% stock footage, photography or sampled material.


All entry forms must be completely filled out and signed by the class instructor or school official. A winning entry shall have the applicable prize awarded to the school listed on the entry form with certificates awarded to the production assistants listed on the entry form.


Final judging will be by select industry professionals associated with the university and the faculty and staff of the 电子媒体 Department at 南newbb电子平台. Video entries will be judged using a five-point scale in the areas of Writing, 相机操作, 照明技术, 音质, 人才, 编辑技术, 和项目概念. Audio entries will be judged using a five-point scale in the areas of Writing, 混合, 水平, 编辑, 人才, 和概念. 数码摄影 entries will be judged using a five-point scale in the areas of Design, 照明, 焦点, Content 和项目概念. The winners will be based on the productions with the highest total scores in their respective categories.


待考虑, the entry and completed entry form must be submitted no later than 11:59pm Friday, 3月31日. Late entries will not be accepted.

Will anyone besides judges see my submission?

Submission of an entry gives 南newbb电子平台 permission to show the work at the awards ceremony and include it in any promotional materials related to the competition or campus. A written notice declining this agreement may be sent along with the entry and will be honored.