
Ph.D. 生物科学



The 生物科学系 at newbb电子平台 offers a graduate program that includes faculty from both 生物科学 and Biomedical Sciences (newbb电子平台 Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine). 教师 and graduate students conduct research on a wide array of biological topics spanning from molecules to ecosystems, 从基础研究到newbb电子研究. 教师 and students develop collaborative networks both within and outside the department as they conduct their research. 在newbb电子平台, the Ohio Center for 生态 and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES), the Interdisciplinary Program in Molecular and Cellular 生物学, and the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program bring together researchers with common research interests from across diverse departments.

Special research facilities available include:

  • 微ct扫描设备
  • 电子显微镜设备
  • Molecular genetics and genomics facilities, including next generation sequencing
  • AAALAC-accredited animal holding facilities are available for terrestrial and aquatic animals 15,000个脊椎动物标本收集
  • Mass spectrophotometry facilities Transgenic mouse facility
  • 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜
  • Fully equipped experimental 生物力学 lab including electromyography system, force plates and force-plate integrated treadmill, strain gauge system for measuring in vivo and in vitro bone strain, 高速动作捕捉系统, and equipment and software for X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology system.



细胞, developmental and microbiology program employs molecular and cellular approaches to study biological function. 细胞 group examines intracellular and intercellular interactions among a wide variety of cells. The developmental group studies how multicellular complexity is established and maintained over time. The microbiology group addresses questions concerning the role of microorganisms in environmental 流程 and in disease and immune responses.


The ecology and evolutionary biology program integrates research in functional and evolutionary morphology, 生物力学, 动物行为, 系统发生学, 群体遗传学, 保护生物学, 种群生态学, and community ecology to understand the causes and consequences of biological diversity. 教师 use lab- and field-based research on model organisms and natural populations to study ecological and evolutionary patterns, 流程, 和机制.


The physiology and neuroscience program includes research in metabolic and comparative physiology, 耐热性生理学, 环境毒理学, 运动生理学, 计算生物学, 发育神经生物学, trophic interactions in the development of sensory systems, 运动控制, 听觉神经生物学, neuronal cytoskeleton and axonal transport, 重金属和神经退化, 发育的神经内分泌控制, cellular basis of neuronal communication, and neural and neuroendocrine control of the autonomic nervous system.


Also see concentration areas for additional program requirements.


Ninety (90) credit hours are required for the Ph.D. 学位, with at least 15 of these hours as formal courses or seminars, and must include at least one statistics course.

课程 & 研讨会

Doctoral students may be required to complete breadth courses depending on their particular Educational Program, in addition to two semesters of supervised teaching before the Ph.D. 被授予, even if the student's stipend and tuition is provided by non-program sources that relieve them of teaching.

Candidacy, Qualifying Exam and 论文

博士录取.D. candidacy must be achieved within six semesters, and includes passing the qualifying exam and the proposal defense. The presentation of an open dissertation seminar and passing the dissertation oral exam are required in addition to the completion of the dissertation to receive the Ph.D. 学位.


The graduate program in the 生物科学系 strives to be both flexible and supportive, stressing individualized training and a diverse research environment. The department provides students with a rich intellectual environment, as well as the necessary technical resources to succeed.


  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of major concepts in programmatic areas within biology.
  • Critically evaluate the primary literature in research discipline and demonstrate independent scientific thinking.
  • Formulate testable hypotheses based on theory or empirical research. Design experiments and studies to test hypotheses.
  • Acquire necessary skills to write successful research proposals for funding. Demonstrate the ability to perform statistical and computational analyses of data.
  • Present scientific concepts and research in written and oral form to both scientific and lay audiences. Acquire effectual teaching practices and skills.
  • 培养合作研究技能.