


newbb电子平台 Child Development Center (OU CDC) serves as a model for best practices in Southeastern Ohio. Our mission is to provide a challenging curriculum based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) and influenced by Constructivism and the Reggio Emilia Approach, strengthen relationships between children, 家庭, 中心, 和社区, provide a space for the education of 俄亥俄州 students, and serve as a site for research.

More about our curriculum, 哲学, and education of 俄亥俄州 students can be found in our Family Handbook.


的 Center has seven classrooms: two Infants (six weeks to 18 months), two Toddlers & Twos (18 months to three years), and three Preschool (three to five years) classrooms. 的 Center is open from 7:30 a.m. 至下午五点半.m. 星期一至星期五.

婴儿的教室 serve 8 children between the ages of six weeks and 18 months. 的 program stresses the importance of meeting the social and 情感 needs of infants and young toddlers and the need for an enriched environment. Experiences are provided to enhance children’s 认知, sensory, motor and 语言 development. 的 program is highly individualized and activities are based on the developmental needs of the children in the room. Two Master Teachers and Professional Interns staff these classrooms. Individual child schedules are followed throughout the day.

幼儿教室 each serve 12 children between the ages of 18 months and three years. 的 program offers children experiences that emphasize 情感 and social development as well as the development of 认知, 语言, 物理, 感官知觉, 空间能力, 创造性表达, 和自我意识. Two Master Teachers and Professional Interns staff these classrooms. 

幼儿园教室 each provide experiences for 17 to 18 children between the ages of three and five. Experiences are based on an understanding of the social, 认知, 情感, and 物理 needs of the children in the program. 艺术经历, 音乐, 表演游戏, 语言艺术, 阅读, 块, 科学, and mathematics are offered daily. 的 children also have many opportunities to explore the outside environment and community. Two Master Teachers and Professional Interns staff each classroom.

More information about classrooms and sample daily schedules can be found in the Family Handbook.

Accreditation and Licensing Information

的 Center is licensed by the 俄亥俄州 DEPARTMENT OF JOBS AND FAMILY SERVICES. 的 license and inspection reports are posted in the main hallway. 的 law and rules governing child care are available in Room 104 for review upon request. 的 Center’s licensing records including compliance report forms and evaluation forms from the health, 建筑, and fire departments are available upon request from the Ohio Department of Jobs & 家庭服务中心. Currently, 中心’s licensed capacity is 99 children.

的 toll-free complaint number for ODJFS is 1-866-886-3537, option 4.


的 Center is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs.

的 Center has recently re-accredited by the National Association for the 教育 of Young Children (NAEYC). 行政部门, 教学人员, and 家庭 of newbb电子平台 Child Development Center are all being congratulated for earning the mark of quality represented by the NAEYC Accreditation system.

的 NAEYC Accreditation was granted on October 28, 2015, and is valid until April 1, 2021.



CDC With smiley faces in the letters

For more information please contact:
newbb电子平台 Child Development Center
的 Ridges, Building 27, Tel: 740-593-1819