


We believe residents should have an intentional residential experience that provides them with opportunities to build relationships with one another, 联系校园资源, 并在newbb电子平台建立归属感. It is important to us that every one of our residents feels they are respected for who they are and have the tools to be successful in their Bobcat journey.

The newbb电子平台生活体验 empowers residents to develop skills for success and contribute positively to their communities by focusing on the following 学习ing goals:

  • 幸福: Students who live on campus will utilize skills and resources to promote well-being.
  • 健康的关系: Students who live on campus will develop tools to sustain positive relationships within their communities.
  • 归属感: 住在校园里的学生会发现健康社区的特点.



  • 员工关心你的经历和你作为newbb电子平台队的成功. Demonstrated through Bobcat to Bobcats (staff connections with each of their residents) and community meetings, our staff set aside time throughout the semester to get to know their students and offer support and resources for success.
  • 有机会参与并了解社区中的其他人. 无论是通过Hall Council项目还是ra主持的社区建设者, 为学生提供了无数的生活体验, 学习, 玩, 在他们的宿舍里生长.
  • 在困难的时候给予支持. 我们知道和100多名newbb电子平台同伴一起生活是一个新的挑战! We use Living Agreements and staff-facilitated mediation to help students adjust to the triumphs and trials of sharing a space and 学习ing to live in community.
  • 坚定地致力于包容. 我们最大的优势来自于成为一个更大的newbb电子平台社区的一部分. We empower our students to be involved in creating an environment where students can contribute differing perspectives, 的想法, and experiences to drive change and encourages a sense of belonging through programs, 有意义的谈话, 有目的的机会.


The newbb电子平台生活体验 is possible due to the strong network within our communities. The students and staff mentioned below will be critical when it comes to your community's success.


住宿顾问(RA): The Resident Advisor is a student who has completed a rigorous training process designed to prepare them for working with students in the residence halls. RA居住并支持一层的居民. Your RA is a great source of information and should be the first individual that you contact with a question or concern.

高级住宿顾问(SRA): 高级住宿顾问, 比如RA, is a student who resides in a residence hall but supports the entire community instead of a specific floor section. 从大厅委员会到房间更换, SRAs work behind the scenes to assist professional staff and ensure your community thrives.

研究生住宿主任(GRD)和住宿主任(RD): A Resident Director or Graduate Resident Director is an on-site professional responsible for a hall or hall complex. 总教务处或总教务处负责管理宿舍工作人员, works with all residents to establish a positive living environment and a sense of community, 管理危机情况.是否在回答问题, 协助维修请求, 或者将你与校园资源联系起来, rd和grd会让你的校园生活成功. You can find your RD or GRD in their office on the first floor of your residence hall.

助理驻地主任(ARD): An Assistant Resident Director works directly with a Resident Director to oversee a large hall or complex and is a full-time graduate student. ARD负责监督宿舍的工作人员, works with all residents to establish a positive living environment and a sense of community, 管理危机情况.


Your floor section is your new home for the year and is comprised of a variety of people from different backgrounds. 然而,你们都有一个共同点:你们将生活在一个共享的社区. Throughout the year your Resident Advisor (RA) will host events to help you get to know others in your community and build a network of friendship and support.



Our best advice is to spend plenty of time getting to know your roommate(s) or suitemates(s) during the first few weeks and talk about the ground rules and preferences for your shared space. Completing the Living Agreement together will help you determine expectations for the space and establish methods for addressing issues as they arise. 您的RA将是您完成协议和处理分歧的资源.

Here are four ways to ensure that you and your roommate(s) or suitemate(s) have a positive and successful relationship with one another:

  • 沟通 需要和你的室友交谈和倾听, 尤其是那些会影响你们关系的问题.g.、借阅物品、学习时间等.). It is wise to talk person-to-person with your roommate(s) or suitemate(s) about any concerns or conflicts as early as possible. 向你的室友表达你的担忧是非常困难的, 你不想伤害他们的感情,也不想让他们生你的气. 不管怎样,不去解决这个问题只会让它滚雪球般地变成一个更大的问题. 你可以用“我”来委婉地谈论一个问题. Ex. “I feel overwhelmed and stressed when the room is messy like this” rather than “You are so messy!”
  • 考虑 和别人住在一起还有什么方便的特点吗. 体贴的最好方法是三思而后行. 问问你自己,你的行为会对他人产生怎样的影响. Most conflicts occur due to a lack of consideration but remember these conflicts can be resolved through communication!
  • 妥协 是任何健康关系的基础吗. If your roommate likes to go to bed and get up early and you prefer to stay up late and sleep in, 互相迁就可以补救这种情况. 简单的妥协可以带来巨大的不同.
  • 合作 室友为了一个共同的目标一起努力. It may be something as simple as making sure that the garbage can is not overflowing or that recycling is being done. 当室友有共同的目标时, 所有的室友, mod-mates, 或者室友可以共同努力确保目标的实现.


  • 清洁: 每个人都有自己的清洁标准. We encourage you and your roommates or suitemates to set up a cleaning schedule and expectations for the purchase of cleaning supplies early in the semester.
  • 客人: 每个人都有权让客人或访客进入他们的空间. 室友应该建立客人和访客的期望, including preferred timeframe of notification of overnight guests and what guests and visitors may or may not do while in the shared space. 关于客人和访客的政策, 请参阅《newbb电子平台》的“客人和访客”部分.
  • 噪声: 音乐之类的噪音, TV, and conversations can make studying or sleep challenging depending on a person’s personal preference. 妥协s, such as the use of headphones, can ease this common issue among roommates.
  • 分享项目: 一些室友喜欢分享,而另一些人则喜欢把他们的物品分开. 如果你愿意分享,一定要和你的室友沟通, 哪些物品是禁止进入的.
  • 房间灯: Much like noise, lighting in the room can impact sleep, studying, and overall mental health. Roommates should communicate about their preferences early and seek compromises that meet the needs of everyone in the room.

如果你和你的室友或室友发生冲突, your hall staff can serve as helpful resources in helping resolve roommate conflicts.