
好处 Advisory Council Charter

The Benefit Advisory Council (BAC) is charged with analyzing and making recommendations related to university benefit plan designs in conformance with the guiding principles and strategies defined by Total 补偿 Committee (TCC) under the direction of the President. The BAC will explore options and suggest changes that meet the objectives and goals established by the TCC. They will consider competitiveness, financial sustainability and fairness in their recommendations. The BAC serves as an advisory body to the TCC. Ultimate decision making authority regarding University benefit programs rests with the President and the Board of Trustees, 或者它的委托.

The BAC will be Co-Chaired by the Senior Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and the 教师 Senate Finance and Facilities Chair. Additional voting members of the committee will include:

Membership / Selection Process 术语
教师 Senate representative appointed by President 3年
Administrative Senate representative appointed by President 3年
AFSCME 1699 representative appointed by President 3年
AFSCME 3200 representative appointed by President 3年
Regional Campus representative appointed by Provost 3年
Chief Finance and Administrative Officer (CFAO) representative appointed by VPF&A 3年
Dean appointed by Provost 3年
Chairs and Directors representative appointed by Provost 3年
Associate Provost for Academic Budget & 规划 正在进行的
Vice President for Student Affairs 正在进行的
Chief Human Resource Officer 正在进行的
President’s Chief of 工作人员 – Ex-officio 正在进行的

The Committee will be staffed by the Senior Director of 好处 and the Budget Director.


至少每季度一次, the BAC will be convened to discuss the University benefit programs and determine any need for significant changes to the benefits based upon the objectives established by the TCC. Although the BAC is advisory in nature, in some cases the group may be asked to make recommendations based on appropriate analysis and review of program information and data provided by University 人力资源 and/or its benefit consultants.

除了, members of the BAC may bring forward issues and concerns of which they are aware, representing themselves or their constituents. Members help 人力资源 and the TCC understand the needs and concerns of newbb电子平台 faculty and staff related to employee benefits.

The BAC will review benefit offerings annually prior to 开放登记 and ensure that any recommended changes have been appropriately vetted and approved by the TCC and President and/or Board of Trustees. The BAC will ensure any system changes and modifications to existing policies, procedures and processes are performed and completed. For purposes of this Charter, 好处 include medical, 牙科, 人寿保险, 愿景, 长期残疾, 短期残疾, 退休计划, and paid time off programs such as vacation and sick leave or other similar benefits as modified or added at the TCC’s request or as required by federal or state regulations.
The BAC will provide the TCC with recommendations that will attain the established goals and objectives established by that Committee. 谘询委员会将进行检讨, modify and/or approve the recommendations of the BAC and submit approved changes to the President and/or the Board of Trustee for final approval.