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Ohio Southern Campus 历史

newbb电子平台位于艾尔顿的南校区交通便利,位于艾尔顿-朴茨茅斯-阿什兰-亨廷顿大都市区的中心,涉及三个州:俄亥俄州, Kentucky and West Virginia. Situated in the commercially active Ohio Valley, 这个都会区传统上一直与国家在教育方面的进步保持同步, industry, 同时保持其作为阿巴拉契亚地区一部分的身份.

Campus 历史

newbb电子平台南方分校的独特作用是为那些因工作和家庭需要在上学期间留在社区的人提供高质量的高等教育机会. 1956年,newbb电子平台开始在艾尔顿高中为见习教师开设为期两年的夜校课程,目的就在于此. That purpose was further fulfilled as the Ironton curriculum grew, 最终为基础教育和工商管理专业提供学士学位.

教育需求在20世纪70年代后期增长,并持续到20世纪80年代,因为该地区重工业的削减和关闭导致失业率上升,希望重新进入就业市场的人需要接受培训. 随着这些趋势的出现,创造了一个巨大的非传统学生市场, newbb电子平台打算在艾尔顿建立一个地区校区,而不是继续作为一个学术中心, 从而为校园发展拨出400万美元.

第一阶段的开发是在1982年开始的,当时在一所高中附近购买了一块8英亩的土地.S.52.-Ohio 141 interchange. 到1985年12月,第二阶段完成了第一座校园建筑:一座两层楼, 26,000-square-foot structure to house administrative offices, a 350-seat auditorium, a library, a computer laboratory, 以及几个教室,包括一个高科技房间,与雅典进行直接微波视听通信,以实现双向课堂互动.

2美元.这座价值800万美元的建筑旨在满足常规学生入学或商业和专业发展的预期增长需求. Growth came in both sectors. By fall 1989 regular student enrollment was twice that in 1979, filling day classes instituted after the building's completion. At the same time, 对使用商业和专业发展教室和礼堂时间以容纳大型研讨会小组和论坛的需求增加.

随着newbb电子平台南方分校成为社区高等教育的领导者, professional/ business development, and cultural enrichment, growth has continued with the completion of four more buildings. Completed in summer 1990, the Academic Center, a federal-style, 两层砖结构,包括物理科学在内的13间教室, biological science, 还有艺术实验室以及校园里的第二个计算机科学实验室. A student activity center and faculty offices are also included. In 1995 the $6-million Riffe Center opened, 提供额外的教室空间,并设有一个大型圆形大厅. 三楼是全国公认的电子媒体技术中心. In 2000 the $6-million Dingus Technology Center opened, providing a state of the art nursing lab, two distance learning classrooms, computer labs, an art lab, faculty offices, classrooms and a 120-seat auditorium. 位于俄亥俄州普罗克托维尔的南方大学普罗克托维尔中心于2007年4月落成. 3美元.5 million facility includes a reception area, administrative offices, classrooms, work rooms, an art room, a kitchen, a student lounge and a large common area.

关于 the Tri-State Area

五个城市的三州大都市区提供350个城市的服务和便利,000人没有困扰许多大城市的市中心问题. 八座俄亥俄河大桥和两座大桑迪河大桥连接着该地区的三个州, providing easy access to the professional, commercial, cultural, and entertainment services of the area's cities and villages.

Seven major hospitals, several smaller hospitals and health care units, 许多紧急医疗服务站遍布整个地区. Doctors, dentists, medical and surgical specialists, and other health professionals are readily available. 大大小小的社区都为他们的公立学校以及教区学校和其他私立学校在学术和体育方面的竞争力感到自豪, located in each of the area's cities, add momentum to the drive for excellence in education.

在这四个主要城市,市中心的商家都在争夺消费者的钱, three ultra-modern malls, 众多的购物中心和独立企业遍布整个地区. 与游客打交道的阿巴拉契亚人的自然友好给他们留下了愉快的印象.

Culturally, 这种阿巴拉契亚遗产表现在绘画等艺术和工艺中, woodcraft, sculpture (including coal ore), quilting and sewing, other fiber crafts, 音乐, and drama. 文化展示在阿什兰的派拉蒙艺术中心和肯塔基高地博物馆协会举行, Huntington's 8,400-seat Civic Center and Art Galleries, 俄亥俄州's Southern Campus Bowman Auditorium, and Portsmouth's Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center. The Civic Center is in constant use, 计费顶级的国家和国际表演艺术从广泛的娱乐世界. Each year outdoor events reflect local culture and traditions.

The Ohio River provides a variety of summer recreation. Excursions for diners and dancers are daily summer events. Launch ramps, 在亨廷顿和朴茨茅斯之间长达50英里的河流两岸,都有码头和私人码头. Swimming, water skiing, fishing, and parasailing are available.


Columbus and Cleveland to the north; Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lexington, and Louisville to the west; Charleston, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.,to the east; and Knoxville, Atlanta and Charlotte to the south. 该地区每天都有航班进出亨廷顿三州机场, 与全国航空客运航班和区域班车连接. 小型机场可供私人和公司拥有的飞机使用.

In the tri-state area, 以newbb电子平台南校区为中心,方圆30英里, 宽阔的俄亥俄河流域的城市和农场向后翻滚,变得崎岖不平, 森林覆盖的小山和郁郁葱葱的溪谷,农产品和养牛场与郊区的发展并存. 韦恩国家森林在俄亥俄州的维苏威湖娱乐区和肯塔基州的格林波湖和卡特洞穴娱乐区都在附近, 而俄亥俄州的“小烟山”和肖尼湖距离艾尔顿只有40英里. 新来者被三州居民认为理所当然的事情所吸引:三州是一个美丽的生活和工作环境.