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Alumni Spotlight

Alumni Spotlight









newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校经历的亮点不仅仅是所接受的教育, 学生们在上课和参加校园活动时感受到的关系发展和社区意识. 我们的校友在回忆学生时代以及那段经历如何影响了他们的职业和个人生活时,会说得最好. Get to know our alumni by reading their stories below. If you'd like to be part of our alumni spotlight series, please email and let us know. 



Liesta Walker Alumni Spotlight

Liesta R. Walker, L.P.C.

Associate Lecturer of Child and Family Studies

When I look back on the journey that has been my life, there were a few major resolves that have truly, positively, impacted the outcome of my journey. 对这一结果至关重要的是,她在42岁时决定进入newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校(Ohio University Zanesville)学习. 从上课的第一天起,我就找到了新的目标,并增强了信心. 我提高了之前很少用到的技能. 我成为了一个终身学习者,一个学生的倡导者,并最终成为了学生成功的推动者.

newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校为我提供了必要的学术支持,使我能够获得必要的证书,做我最喜欢的事情,那就是通过赞斯维尔校区的学术舞台丰富年轻人和成年人的生活. 我得到了导师和经验丰富的教授的个别支持,他们敞开了大门,似乎有无穷无尽的耐心. Through highly dedicated professors, 教职员工过去和现在仍然可以帮助每一个学生实现他们的目标, I too was afforded the privilege to excel academically, professionally and personally. 我的旅程始于1995年12月,当时我走进校门,成为一名成年大一学生,至今仍在继续.

Advice to a future student:

Believe in yourself. “Push yourself to do better so that you can be better.” Do not listen to the negative voices even when that voice is your own. Seek out tutors and study partners, talk with your professors, manage your time wisely and avoid the pitfalls of self-doubt and lack of, at times, even family support. 追随你的梦想,如果你必须修改你的梦想,那就和你的导师谈谈,这样你就可以在不放弃梦想的情况下做出必要的调整. 就像我一样,“你也值得为成为一名大学毕业生而做出牺牲。!”



David Phillipp

David Phillippi

David Phillippi is a proud graduate of Ohio University, spending his first two years on the Zanesville campus. He’s enjoyed a long and storied career in television and film.


Currently, David is a video production, television and film executive with more than 30 years under his belt. He’s the Sales and Marketing Director for The PPS Group in Covington, 在肯塔基州,他专门帮助客户开发高清电视广告和网络内容.

But that just tells a small part of his story. 他是美国导演协会(DGA)的正式会员,并担任过故事片的助理导演(其中包括《newbb电子平台》和奥斯卡提名的《newbb电子》)。. 他也是辛辛那提著名的麦克道尔艺术家协会的成员.

大卫很感激他在赞斯维尔校区的时光,与教职员工建立了牢固的关系. The small-town atmosphere reminded him of his own hometown of Alliance, Ohio.


他经常做客座演讲,喜欢激励有职业抱负的年轻人,并与其他专业人士建立联系. He resides in Cincinnati with his wife, Carrie. His son Conner is an Honors student at the University of South Carolina.



Daniel Vincent

Daniel Vincent, BSN Alumni Spotlight

Daniel M. Vincent, BSN

President, Zanesville City Council

Education Consultant, Genesis Health Care System


When reflecting back on my life and considering the many challenges, successes, and what has made a significant impact on where I am today, I see Ohio University Zanesville as one of my greatest influences. 我在当地接受的教育和经历给了我一生中如此多的机会,并帮助定义了今天的我.


作为一个年轻人,选择一份最好的职业以及如何实现它可能会让人不知所措. My first job as a welder left me wanting to do more to help people. Fortunately, EMT课程让我接触到了繁忙的急诊科的护理工作,我体验到了护士对人们生活的重大影响.

Once I found my interest, I needed an education path that I could afford and one that would be convenient. 最重要的是,我需要一个让我感到舒适、能够成功的地方. 我看了俄亥俄州的许多课程,甚至还上了哥伦布市另一所大学的一些初级课程, but the big city offered lots of busyness, traffic, and huge classes that lacked the personal connections I wanted. With some great guidance and encouragement from several well respected nurses, 我找到了俄亥俄州大学赞斯维尔分校的护理项目,它非常适合我. 这意味着我可以回到我长大的地方,在两年内开始我的护理生涯.

My experience

我的大学经历充满了兴奋和活动,我在赞斯维尔校区的学生和教授中结交了许多新的终身朋友. I felt I fit and belonged and the professors really supported and cared about me. My education was great, 我可以负担得起,我的贷款只是我在更大的大学或私立学院的一小部分.

In the years since I completed my education at Ohio University Zanesville, the campus has continued to improve and grow, with advanced technology for learning, additional courses, new programs, and several additional bachelor degrees. If I were a student starting out today, 我甚至会更兴奋地选择俄亥俄州大学赞斯维尔分校的学习机会, the great professors, and now the bachelor’s in nursing degree.

Spirit of Gratitude

我相信newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校能够为我们的社区提供给那些直接从高中毕业的传统学生或回来转行的成人学习者. My personal story of success and appreciation for my local education is not unique; it is a very common theme to thousands of students who have found what I found right here in my local community – a great education and a foundation from which to build and grow. The challenges that my time at Ohio University Zanesville provided, and the knowledge I gained, gave me a solid start in a successful career as a nurse. Over time, 我的教育帮助我继续在专业上成长,并成为我所热爱的社区的领导者.

我无法想象如果没有当地的教育机会,我们的地区会变成什么样子. 而每个学生的成功毕业对他们个人和职业都有影响, it also has very positive impact on our entire community. 我们很幸运在newbb电子平台赞斯维尔有这么多好的教育机会.