




The Gladys W. 和David H. 巴顿教育学院 takes pride in its strong academic programs, which are held to stringent state and national accreditation standards. 我们相信责任:我们的校友, 学生, 学校的合作伙伴对我们的期望是最好的, 以及俄亥俄州校董会, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher 教育 (NCATE), and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher 教育 (AACTE为卓越设定了很高的标准. Their standards are based on objective criteria developed through systematic testing and sound methodology.

最近, other organizations have developed their own models for evaluating colleges of education and have joined the national debate on education reform. While we welcome new voices in the public discourse on this topic, some of these models lack consistency and rigor and are based on methods that are questionable and outdated. Some organizations have elected to present the results of their assessment models in the form of "rankings" or "report cards." The FAQ's that follow outline why not all rankings or report cards are equally impartial and sound.



  • You may soon read about teacher education programs in Ohio and other states being criticized on the basis of a new ranking or "report card."
  • These rankings paint an inaccurate picture because they are based on incomplete data. They fail to document the good work that is done every day by professors, 老师, 以及我们公共教育系统的工作人员
  • 人们很容易把排名视为理所当然, but anyone who cares about the quality of public education must be a critical reader of rankings. Careful attention to how rankings are constructed will reveal a variety of issues, including whether or not important factors may have been overlooked and if a particular methodology is accurate and appropriate.


  • Teacher education programs throughout the state of Ohio are held to high accreditation and performance standards at the national, 州和地方两级.
  • In 2010 the Ohio Board of Regents and all public and private colleges of education adopted the Ohio Educator Preparation Quality Metrics (per HB1).
  • Every teacher education program in Ohio has professional standards to which it is accountable and collects evidence on a continual basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.
  • 这些标准得到了持续的newbb电子和微调, resulting in inaccurate data and a fair and relevant assessment of Ohio's teacher education programs.
  • Ohio's teacher education programs prioritize quality and effective outcomes; they strive to continuously improve in order to better the future of 学生.


  • A "report card" document produced by the National Council for Teacher Quality (NCTQ) based on incomplete data is expected to be released soon.
  • NCTQ计划使用 U.S. 新闻与世界报道 分发“成绩单”."
  • Our knowledge of NCTQ and its methodology suggests that the document will not present an accurate account of the training of teacher candidates in public institutions, the performance of public school 老师 and the effectiveness of colleges of education.
  • You may encounter inaccurate information resulting from the NCTQ study or have conversations with those who have seen it.
  • 文档, 如果只看表面价值, 会对多少教育学院产生负面影响, 包括俄亥俄州, 被认为.


  • NCTQ使用的是过时的模型, which has been identified by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher 教育 (NCATE) as ineffective.
  • "Report cards" such as those issued by NCTQ tend to focus on quantity - the number of inputs a program can document. 其他国家教育机构, 哪些有多年的评核经验, focus on quality - what teacher-preparation candidates actually learn, 他们的表现如何, 以及他们的学生表现如何.
  • 在NCTQ过去的类似研究中, 他们评估的大多数大学得分都很低, 因为国家技术审查委员会的重点是“投入”(例如.g. 课程大纲)而非“产出”(例如.g. 我们的毕业生表现如何?
  • NCTQ collects different data sets from different universities, which undermines its ability to make fair comparisons and construct reliable analyses.

Why are the current accountability standards better than those used by NCTQ?

  • The accountability standards (Ohio Educator Preparation Quality Metrics) now in place apply the same yardstick to every institution in Ohio - both private and public.
  • newbb电子ing standards consistently produces results that are valid and meaningful.
  • Current accountability standards require the collection of value-added data - that is, data about what our graduates contribute to the learning of the 学生 in the classrooms where they teach; colleges of education use these data to continuously improve our programs.
  • Enhancing both our performance and our standards is and should be an ongoing process, and all accredited colleges of education search for and incorporate new ideas in order to ensure success.

What's the best way to ensure that public education efforts are viewed accurately and fairly? 我能帮什么忙??

  • 鼓励同事, organizations and communities to critically assess rankings and documents such as the forthcoming one by NCTQ.
  • Direct persons interested in learning more about this issue to:
  • Be an ambassador for Ohio's education programs and help to increase awareness of the value these programs provide in improving our 学生' futures.