
Life Sciences 研究 Facility


Life Sciences 研究 Facility

研究 in Biomedical and 生物科学

The Life Science 研究 Facility opened in 2003 and is primarily used by the Heritage College’s Department of 生物医学科学 and the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of 生物科学. The Life Sciences 研究 Facility houses offices and research facilities that serve faculty and staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate and undergraduate students.

The facility supports a range of microscopy efforts including an electron microscopy suite, histology laboratories specialized for both skeletal/dental and decalcified tissue preparation, suites dedicated to functional morphology and fossil preparation, high-throughput digital capabilities for processing anatomical and video data for 3D/4D rendering, a comparative biomechanics lab and biosafety level 2 labs for the study of infectious microorganisms. The Life Sciences 研究 Facility also contains common equipment to support biochemistry and molecular biology research, as well as a vivarium operated by the newbb电子平台 Office of Laboratory Animal 资源. While faculty have individual labs, 设计是开放的, allowing researchers to share equipment and expertise.

The facility accommodates researchers specializing in a broad range of biomedical and basic biological research disciplines and serves as an interdisciplinary and highly collaborative research environment for faculty, 职员及学员.

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