
Creating Strong Passwords

At newbb电子平台, members of our community are given an 俄亥俄州 ID that grants them access to a variety of University resources. You likely have other accounts with many other services online. As a first line of defense for keeping these accounts secure, you need to create a strong password.

Strong Password Rules

  • The longer the better. Plan for a minimum of 10 characters.
  • Use special characters. 添加 capital letters, punctuation, 和 numbers.
  • Don't use predictable passwords such as passw0rd12345, or test1.
    • This includes obvious connections to the company or br和. For example, don't use newbb电子平台 or 鲁弗斯 as your 俄亥俄州 password.
    • Keyboard patterns also make weak passwords, such as qwerty or 1 qaz2wsx.
  • Consider using a phrase instead of a word. Phrases make it easier to have long passwords 和 can be difficult to guess if you incorporate special characters.
  • Don't use the same password for multiple accounts. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link - if a service has poor security practices 和 your password is published online, it can result in other accounts being compromised as well.
  • Learn more about newbb电子平台's credentials policypassword requirements.

Safe Password Practices

  • Make sure that no one can see you type your password, 和 that you are entering it into the correct field to prevent accidental exposure.
  • Use memorable passwords. Don't make passwords so complicated you can't remember them, 和 don't write them down.
  • Too many passwords to remember? 使用一个 password manager. These tools will generate secure r和om passwords for your sites 和 store them in a central place. All you need to remember is the password you set for your password manager's account.
  • 添加 multi-factor authentication 按你的说法. Many services give you the option of using something in addition to a password to access your account, such as a mobile app or text message. This provides an additional layer of security if something were to happen to your password.